Thursday 9 December 2010

the writer with a science problem writes science

An update: Having graduated from university with a masters degree in physics, I now write science revision guides for a living. An ideal situation, you might think. Indeed, such a career ticks a lot of boxes for a science graduate interested in publishing. However, like an isotope of carbon-13, I remain somewhat unstable. Watch this space.

Tuesday 29 December 2009

At home in the dead end of nowhere for the Christmas break, I ponder freedom. The monotomic substance has the fewest degrees of freedom; three corresponding to the three dimensions of space. As the number of atoms in a substance increase, so does its opportunities for diversity and change. Here, alone and with only empty space around me, I feel claustrophobic, confined, trapped.

I need to get back to civilisation.

Saturday 26 December 2009

She's electric

When electrons are transferrered between materials, a build up of electric charge can result. This static charge will disperse itself at the first available opportunity in the form of a mini lightening bolt; a small electric shock. Such static shocks have been the bane of my life recently, I've got them from electrical equipment, lab apparatus, dressing gowns, jumpers; even my poor dog for god's sake.

I guess it's just my electrfying personality....or maybe I should stop wearing cheap tights.

Monday 7 December 2009

Panic stations

I'm starting to panic. Being a science student, I have recently received a number of emails advertising some very attractive PhDs, and in just my area as well. Being a writer, I have received precisely zero invitations to be paid for writing.

Maybe I should conform to the laws of thermodynamics and just remain in the lower energy state, thus remain a student for four more years.

I guess it couldn't hurt to apply...

Besides the threat of further education, I have kept myself occupied by developing a habit for dressing up for lab every day. Scrap that, not for lab, for the precious minutes in between lab sessions when I actually have human contact. Unfortunately, the only people who have thus far noticed have been other scientists. Appreciated, of course, but objective comments from those outside the concrete walls of the physics department are what are really sought, and have been in short supply.

Damn those art students who manage to achieve aesthetic perfection so effortlessly.

Sunday 22 November 2009

The spin orbit interaction is a coupling between spin and angular momenta of an electron. In the presence of a magnetic field, it causes a splitting of atomic energy levels.

I, in the presence of a boutique full of vintage clothes, spent £40 today. So much for the saving money to be in with a chance of paying off my student loan.

Saturday 21 November 2009

a superiority complex

Following last night's deviation to Leeds' top indie club which, alarmingly, appears to be now full of gormless eighteen year olds rather than eclectic and elusive wannabes, I wake up with friend funsworth stealing half my duvet. I swear I'm too generous to my friends. I even offer some of my precious warburton's up as toast (probably fair does since I stole two slices of pizza last night). Thankfully she doesnt take me up on the offer.

I make an effort with my studies (i.e I find the pages in my standard textbooks that refer to the spin orbital interaction without actually reading them) but eventually there is submission to junk food for the brain in the form of Jedward. Yes I confess I watch X factor.

I have a weakness for cheap trashy television, the kind that simultaneously numbs my mind whilst making me feel superior. My other favourite is America's Next Top Model. I know I'm not a particularly good student, I'm never going to get that 1st, but by Joule, I know I'm more intelligent than those girls.

Friday 20 November 2009

Vodka and cranberry juice. Five ace friends. Salt n Pepa on youtube. Its a friday, Lab is finished for the day ( have been unfolding proteins 9-4), its time to get my shakira on.