Saturday 21 November 2009

a superiority complex

Following last night's deviation to Leeds' top indie club which, alarmingly, appears to be now full of gormless eighteen year olds rather than eclectic and elusive wannabes, I wake up with friend funsworth stealing half my duvet. I swear I'm too generous to my friends. I even offer some of my precious warburton's up as toast (probably fair does since I stole two slices of pizza last night). Thankfully she doesnt take me up on the offer.

I make an effort with my studies (i.e I find the pages in my standard textbooks that refer to the spin orbital interaction without actually reading them) but eventually there is submission to junk food for the brain in the form of Jedward. Yes I confess I watch X factor.

I have a weakness for cheap trashy television, the kind that simultaneously numbs my mind whilst making me feel superior. My other favourite is America's Next Top Model. I know I'm not a particularly good student, I'm never going to get that 1st, but by Joule, I know I'm more intelligent than those girls.

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